Geotechnical Services
Galt offers a full suite of geotechnical services across all sectors.

We can scope and execute site investigations to provide a detailed picture of geotechnical ground conditions.

We can execute due diligence field and desktop investigations to help you avoid unexpected ground conditions.

Foundation Design
Design and analysis for shallow footings, piles and rafts.

Galt can provide optimised and cost-effective designs for ground improvement regimes in unfavourable ground conditions.

Our team of geotechnical engineers can provide construction advice and prevent any small problems developing into big ones.

We have extensive experiencing providing earthworks verifications for large land developments, small subdivisions, large mining projects and roads and pavements.

Using desktop review we can develop a targeted materials search regime, identify suitable materials, carry out field trials and provide material specifciations.

We can scope, install and monitor geotechnical instruments to give you peace of mind.

Galt can provide retaining design of all sizes, from large anchored walls to grouted excavations – we can make sure your project is being held up.