Equipment and Testing
Galt endeavors to provide as many field techniques as possible to enable us to provide full services investigations on tight timelines

Drill Rigs
Galt has more than half a dozen drill rigs capable of augering, coring, push tube sampling and SPT testing. We have rigs capable of working on or off road.

CPT Rigs
Galt has both track-mounted and truck-mounted cone penetration testing rigs.

Our dynamic probing super heavy testing rigs can provide continuous penetration in many soil types.

Our backhoe is capable of carrying out a high number of tests in a short space of time thanks to its ability to cover distances with speed.

Penetrometer Testing
In addition to standard penetration testing, we are of course equipped with dynamic cone and Perth sand penetrometers.

Plate Load Testing
We have plate load testing equipment capable of testing a variety of loaded areas and reaction weights.

Pressuremeter Testing
Galt has two styles of pressuremeters that enable a direct measurement of the stiffness of a soil. Our Menard style pressuremeters can be used in boreholes or pushed in using a CPT rig.

Resistivity Testing
Electrical or thermal resistivity testing can be done for your projects.

Monitoring Wells
Our skilled team of field technicians can install groundwater monitoring wells, including construction of monument or gatic covers.